LinksbaseLinks the World!
Linksbase - where links people, goods, experiences -
Linksbase is named for our philosophy to be a “base”ment where “links” the world.
We offer new perspective to costumers by being a bridge across the world.
Accelerate business
Building websites to accelerate clients business is my mission.
I design with clients to pursue their sales and marketing goals. That's what I call 'websites for business'.
WEB Design
From hearing issue, plan, design, coding, to support, Linksbase works for you one-stop. Services ranges widely in websites, landing pages, WordPress development, EC, banner design etc.
Marketing Support
To make the most of your websites, Linksbase supports planning marketing strategy with clients including digital marketing measures, such as social networks and digital ads, and also offline events.
What I Do
Let's Begin
Contact now for creating your new powerful business tool!
If you are looking for a development partner, feel free to talk to me.